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Ensuring Student Safety – Personal Body Safety Lessons

MCPS实行个人身体安全课程(pbsl)的年级水平, 适合从学前班到12年级学生的年龄内容. 这些经验是在国家利益攸关方和县合作伙伴的投入下编写的, 目的是使学生能够发现和报告可疑的虐待案件,而不必担心遭到报复. 州检察官办公室特别受害者司司长赞扬了MCPS的PBSLs,并公开表示,这些教训正在改变儿童报告虐待和忽视事件的情况.  In addition, MCPS初级和中级保健课程中包含了与年龄相适应的安全和伤害预防课程, family life and human sexuality, cyberbullying and social media, healthy relationships, harassment and intimidation. In addition, MCPS与蒙哥马利县家庭正义基金会和青少年服务提供者合作,赞助一年一度的“选择尊重蒙哥马利”会议商店,让学生了解健康的青少年关系, teen dating violence prevention, and where to get help.

Personal Body Safety Lesson Objectives


  1. Identify which areas of their body are private.
  2. Identify whether a touch is uncomfortable.
  3. 要明白他们有权利保护自己的身体免受不舒服的接触.
  4. Understand how to refuse uncomfortable touches.
  5. 明白他们应该告诉一个信任的成年人任何不舒服的触摸.
  6. 了解如何告诉一个值得信任的成年人任何让他们感到不舒服的触摸,或者如果有人想让他们保守秘密.


  1. identify which areas of their body are private.
  2. 要明白他们有权利决定谁碰了他们的身体.
  3. identify whether a touch is “good” or uncomfortable.
  4. understand how to refuse uncomfortable touches.
  5. 明白他们应该告诉成年人任何不舒服的触摸.
  6. 了解如何告诉成年人任何让他们感到不舒服的触摸.

First Grade

  1. 要明白,在去任何地方之前,他们应该先和父母或照顾者确认一下.
  2. 要明白“糟糕”的感觉是在警告他们需要寻求帮助.
  3. identify which areas of their bodies are private.
  4. 要明白他们有权利决定谁碰了他们的身体.
  5. 确定触摸是好的还是不舒服的.
  6. understand how to avoid and refuse uncomfortable touches.
  7. 识别好的/快乐的和坏的/不安全的秘密之间的区别.
  8. 明白他们必须告诉成年人任何不舒服的触摸或不安全的秘密.
  9. identify adults that they can trust and talk to.
  10. 了解如何告诉成年人任何让他们感到不舒服的事情.

Second Grade

  1. 要明白,“糟糕”或“恶心”的感觉是一种警告,表明情况不安全.
  2. 要明白,他们的身体属于他们自己,他们有权决定谁可以触摸它.
  3. understand how to avoid and refuse uncomfortable touches.
  4. 要明白,别人要求的不舒服的触摸不是他们的错.
  5. 示范如何告诉一个成年人任何不舒服的触摸,不安全的秘密,诡计,或威胁.
  6. 示范如何告诉另一个成年人,如果你告诉一个成年人任何不舒服的触摸没有帮助你.
  7. 确定他们可以信任的成年人,谈论任何不舒服或不安全的事情.

Third Grade

  1. 要明白,“恶心”或不舒服的感觉表明这种情况可能不安全, that they should leave if possible, and tell a trusted adult about it.
  2. tell a trusted adult about any uncomfortable, confusing, scary, manipulative, or dangerous situations they have experienced.
  3. 认识到他们的身体属于他们自己,他们有权决定别人何时以及如何触摸它.
  4. 确定关于触摸的秘密和/或威胁应该告诉一个值得信任的成年人.
  5. 要认识到,如果有人不恰当地触摸孩子,这不是孩子的错.
  6. understand that sexual abusers may use tricks, bribes, or threats to gain and maintain trust and secrecy.

Fourth grade

  1. recognize and report child abuse.
  2. understand why it might be hard to tell a trusted adult.
  3. 要明白,告诉一个值得信任的成年人可以让你感觉更好,让虐待停止.
  4. 即使感觉不舒服,也要想办法告诉一个值得信任的成年人.
  5. 练习告诉信任的成年人不安全或不舒服的情况.
  6. 要认识到虐待儿童的成年人可能是你认识的人.

Fifth Grade

  1. recall and discuss when to use personal body safety rules.
  2. 识别与好的、坏的和令人困惑的触摸相关的感觉和身体信号.
  3. identify and discuss personal rights.
  4. 识别和讨论忽视,身体虐待,性虐待和性骚扰.
  5. identify when secrets should and should not be told (e.g., good and bad secrets).
  6. 区分各种环境中可能发生的安全和危险情况.
  7. 讨论“倾听你的感受”如何帮助你区分安全和危险的情况.
  8. explore appropriate responses to dangerous situations.
  9. 认识到当儿童受到虐待或忽视时,这不是孩子的错.
  10. 确定可以寻求帮助的特定成年人和社区资源.
  11. discuss ways to help victims of abuse and/or neglect.
  12. 认识到忽视和虐待儿童是违法的.
  13. 认识到他们有权保护自己,并在世界和万维网上保持安全.

6th-9th Grade

  1. define types of abuse
  2. understand and recognize the signs of abuse
  3. understand the impact of abuse
  4. identify support people and community resources
  5. 描述虐待受害者或家庭成员可以做些什么来报告虐待或寻求帮助

10th -12th Grade

  1. 健康课程的课程涵盖了PBSL的目标